Programma 2019
The aim of this scientific congress is to share knowledge and experience with local mental health workers. It will take place between November 5th – November 15th 2019. This years theme will be “vulnerability and resilienceā. Like in previous years, there will be space for other topics and or lectures. At the end of this week Dutch participants will have a thorough understanding of how health care in general, and mental health care in particular, is organized in low-income countries. They will have acquired an insight in health-seeking behaviour of the people making use of these services. This understanding is important for doctors working with migrants in Western countries. By organizing this meeting in Tanzania we bring the participants to an environment where learning is experience and experiencing enhances knowledge.
Programme: Afra van der Markt, Marieke Groot-Zevert (Scientific Committee), Alexander Snijdewind (Organizing Comittee) and Rolf Schwarz (Advisor).
NB: Dit congres wordt voor diverse beroepsgroepen geaccrediteerd.
In November 2018, Mr Isaac Lema, from Muhimbili Hospital in Dar Es Salaam winns the second Daktari Schwarz Award (DSA) for the best presentation during our 12th Transcultural Conference in Dodoma, Tanzania. Handed by Dr. Schwarz for sure!
For the Dutch participants:
Dinsdag vliegen
Woensdagochtend stadswandeling Moshi
Woensdagmiddag congres voor alleen de NL deelnemers met Tanzaniaanse sprekers
Donderdag en vrijdag site-visits
Zaterdag en zondag congres
Maandag vertrek safari of terugreis naar Nederland
Donderdagavond terug naar Nederland of eventueel een dag verlengen voor een vrije dag in Moshi voorafgaand aan vertrek naar Nederland.
General and mental healthcare in Tanzania
Traditional medicine

Severe mental disorders
Living with schizophrenia

The program thus provides not only for continuing education, but also immerses the foreign delegates in the Tanzanian community, culture and nature.